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Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Olive Branch, 4/2/12

Accent on Worship

Flip it around.

This week gets to be different.

Normally, many go about their lives – family, work – and add a little church into the mix: perhaps a half-day on Sunday, maybe a rehearsal or meeting during the week. The bulk of our non-sleeping-time, however – is usually work.

Holy Week invites us to do the exact opposite. From Thursday until Sunday, we can think of spending most of our awake time at church (with family) – at worship, and we add a little work to that schedule. Adding to that model, maybe we can bring “church” to our work. We can be thinking/praying about our faith journey this week as we go about our regular activities.

It is a week of focus. Beginning with sun-down Thursday, we are essentially here until noon Sunday. We are here twice on Friday, all evening until late Saturday, the back again early Sunday, blurry-eyed (or what I call “happy tired”). In addition to those times, many of us are here a lot, busy with preparations. This experience and focus again reminds of who we are, whose we are, and what our set of priorities really is. Our time and priorities are re-ordered for a few days.

What are we really about? What are these priorities? Jesus invites us not to just do time at church, but invites us into his journey. And we do so to the extent that we let go of everything that keeps us from putting our priorities where they need to be. As I see and perceive the world, the greatest misplaced energy and time is fear. Fear of not having enough, fear of health, fear of pain and suffering, and perhaps especially fear of death. This week, again, reminds us that abundance is not what the world usually thinks it is. It is love (which cannot be taken away) and absence of fear. Christ emptied himself, took up the cross and died. And it didn’t end there. That’s why we need not fear.

What more can there be? Perhaps the invitation is to go beyond doing this these three days only…

- Cantor David Cherwien

Holy Week at Mount Olive
Monday-Wednesday, April 2-4

Monday- Wednesday in Holy Week
Daily Prayer at 12:00 noon, in the side chapel of the nave, near the columbarium

Thursday, April 5: Maundy Thursday
Holy Eucharist at 7:00 pm

Friday, April 6: Good Friday
Stations of the Cross at 12:00 noon
Adoration of the Cross at 7:00 pm

Saturday, April 7: Holy Saturday
Lumen Christi, The Easter Vigil, at 8:30 pm, followed by a festive reception

Sunday, April 8: The Resurrection of Our Lord
Festival Holy Eucharist at 8:00 and 10:45 am
A Carry-In Easter Brunch will be served between liturgies at 9:30 am

Easter Carry-In Brunch

The Mount Olive youth will host an Easter Carry-In brunch at 9:30 a.m. (between the liturgies) this Sunday. Plan to come – and bring your favorite breakfast/brunch dish.

Adult Education on Palm Sunday Postponed to April 15

The Bread for the World presentation and 2012 Offering of Letters which was to be given on Palm Sunday was postponed to the Adult Education hour next Sunday, April 15. All are encouraged to come and make their voices heard for those most vulnerable in our nation.
The deficit-reduction bill that Congress has just passed is on its way to the Senate and could result in the most severe cuts to programs for hungry and poor people in Bread for the World's history. Come and learn how the deficit can be reduced without hurting those who already struggle to make ends meet, and write a letter to one or more of your representatives in Washington to create a "circle of protection" around those most vulnerable, by working to protect the programs for hungry and poor people.

Our Saviour’s Meal

Mount Olive is scheduled to serve the Our Saviour’s meal this Sunday (Easter) at 6:45 p.m. They are in need of additional helpers for this effort for this weekend!

If you are willing to help out on Easter evening, please call Connie Olson at 763-544-2381.

Congregation Meeting to Be Held Sunday, April 22, Noon

The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers and Directors for the coming year as well as hear a report of our delegates to the most recent Minneapolis Area Synod assembly.

Thursday evening Bible Study: Psalms series begins

The Thursday evening Bible study will continue (after a break for Maundy Thursday this week) until May 24. The series “Prayer and God’s People” will have its final session on Apr. 12. On Apr. 19, Vicar Doughty will begin a series on the Psalms which will conclude in May.

The study meets Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Chapel Lounge. There is a light supper each night, provided by the participants. All are welcome to come, even if you haven't been before.

Book Discussion Group

On April 14 the Book Discussion Group will discuss Birth of Venus, by Sarah Dunant. For the meeting on May 12 they will discuss Paths of Glory, by Jeffrey Archer.

Advance announcement: at the meeting on July 14 we will discuss The Way We Live Now, by Anthony Trollope. This advance notice is shared due to the length of the book.

Knitting Group Schedule Change

Three large boxes of hand made hats, mittens, and scarves will be delivered to Our Saviour’s Shelter this week! Thanks to all who worked on behalf of others in this effort!

Please note that the knitting group will not meet on Easter Sunday, April 8, but we will resume our gatherings on May 13 (Mother’s Day). Bring along any suggestions you may have of a charity in need of our work … and bring your mom!

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