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Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Olive Branch, 9/28/12

Accent on Worship

     Whenever the people of God take on a task or a leadership role, tackle a problem, or are burdened with grief or life’s problems, they are called to pray. Whenever the people of God celebrate a joyous occasion, a new beginning, or healing, they are called to give thanks and praise.  Prayer should be central to the life of a Christian, the first action, though many times it is “Plan B.”  We have all heard the expression, “When all else fails, pray.”

     Our God is relational, and prayer is nothing other than a relationship with God.  The great leaders and prophets of the Bible had two things in common: they were far from perfect, (most of them would not be the leaders we would choose) and they all had a close relationship with God.  In the first reading for Time after Pentecost Sunday 26, Moses is deep in prayer.  He complains and requests.  It is all prayer and it is all answered.  However, the fact that his prayers are answered is not the most amazing thing about this text.  The amazing thing is that he is so comfortable with his Lord, his Creator and Savior, that he is downright cross with God and not afraid to show it. Our Lord longs for us to share our whole life with him, all our joys, sorrows and frustrations.  This is an honest and true relationship and it is true prayer when we share our whole selves with God.

     James writes in the second lesson for the day, “Are any among you suffering?  They should pray. Are any cheerful?  They should sing songs of praise.  Are any among you sick?  They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.” Jesus, unlike all the other prophets, was perfect, but he had one thing in common with those who came before him, a close personal relationship with his heavenly Father.  He prayed.  We are called to do the same.  

 - Donna Pususta Neste

Sunday Readings

September 30, 2012 – Time after Pentecost, Sunday 26
Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 + Psalm 19:7-14
James 5:13-20 + Mark 9:38-50

October 7, 2012 – Time after Pentecost, Sunday 27
Genesis 2:18-24 + Psalm 8
Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 + Mark 10:2-16

Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Thursday, October 4, 7:00 pm
Bring your pets to church for
this annual service of blessing!

Sunday’s Adult Education: Sunday, September 30, 9:30 a.m.

     This week our forum will be "Music Ministry in Prison," presented by Bea Hasselmann, the founder/director of the Metropolitan Boys Choir, who has undertaken a ministry of music among inmates of the Minnesota Correction Facility at Red Wing. In this presentation, Ms. Hasselmann will discuss the power of music and her work with the men at Red Wing.

Book Discussion Group

     Mount Olive’s Book Discussion group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. For the October 13 meeting they will read Remarkable Creatures, by Tracy Chevalier, and for November 10 they will read, Vanity Fair, by William Makepeace Thackeray.

Music and Fine Arts Series Launched

     Brochures for the 2012-2013 Music and Fine Arts series have been mailed – hopefully you’ve received yours.  If not, they are certainly available around the church.  Pick one up.  Share one.

     Your support is helpful in offering these gifts to the greater Twin Cities community in two ways:  the first is in attending and assisting us in hosting these events, and second, your financial support is critical.  You may leave your donations in the baskets on Sunday, or mail them to the office.

 The first event is on October 14, 4:00 pm, with Peter Oustrousko and Dean Magraw.  Don’t miss it!

Congregation Meeting October 28

     The semi-annual meeting of Mount Olive congregation will be held on Sunday, October 28, following the second liturgy (beginning at approximately 12:15 p.m.).  The main purpose of this meeting will be to approve a budget for 2013, and to consider several constitutional and bylaw amendments the Vestry is recommending to the congregation.  All voting members of Mount Olive are encouraged to attend.

     The constitutional recommendations were sent to all members via email and snail mail. Extra copies are available in the narthex at church. Please read this document carefully in advance of the meeting.

It’s a Wedding – And You’re Invited

     The Mount Olive community is invited to share in the marriage celebration of Matt McCuen and Katie Krueger on October 13, 2012.  The liturgy will be held at 3:00pm at Mount Olive with light hors d'oeuvres immediately following in the Chapel Lounge.  No gifts please!  If you are unable to attend, Katie and Matt appreciate your prayers and best wishes.

Save Your Manufacturer’s Coupons

     Please save the coupon sections from your newspapers and mailbox (Red Plum, Smart Source, and P & G Savers). Through TRUST, a program called “Store to Door” redeems these coupons for general operating funds. Cut out the coupons you need, leave the rest of the book intact, and bring them to church. These coupon books can be placed in the white box in the coat room.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

     The Prayer Shawl Ministry will gather monthly to work on prayer shawls. We meet the first Saturday of the month from 1-3 p.m.    The location is Blue Ox Coffee Company at 3740 Chicago Av. S.      Please join the fun on October 6.

Vestry Update, Sept. 10, 2012 meeting

     The September 10 Vestry meeting primarily focused on creating the 2013 budget for review and approval at the upcoming Semi-Annual Mount Olive Congregation meeting (October 28).  Each Director presented their area of the budget and the Vestry was able to discuss each proposed line item.  A preview of the 2013 budget is scheduled following the second liturgy on October 21.  During this forum, congregational members may ask questions  of the Vestry.

     The Capital Campaign Tithe has been met and the task force expects to distribute the gifts in 2012.  An update will be given at the Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting in October and a special congregational meeting scheduled to authorize the gifts after the Vestry reviews them at the November meeting.
     The Vestry approved five changes to the Mount Olive Constitution and By-laws to go before the Congregation in October.  Each clarifies the intent or adds new information into the document.  With these updates, the Constitution and By-laws more closely follow what Mount Olive current does in both policy and procedure.

     Please keep your eye out for a proposed meeting to address the Voter ID Amendment and the Marriage Amendment from a faith perspective.  With the upcoming election in November, the Vestry has endorsed a gathering of Mount Olive members to engage in discussion about how to view these amendments through a Lutheran based faith lens.

     The last part of the meeting included updates from Committee Directors and concluded with a prayer by Pastor Crippen.

     Please also note that a draft of the complete minutes from the Vestry meeting is available for review on the bulletin board in the church office.

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