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Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Olive Branch, 10/17/11

Accent on Worship

Not Just for Fall Anymore

In most congregations, if it’s late fall, it’s Stewardship Sunday time, along with several weeks of temple talks at worship and extra emphases on giving to the work of the congregation in the next year. Mount Olive traditionally has not done these overarching programs, especially when it comes to our Sunday liturgy. We’re not a congregation which labels Sundays, designating this Sunday or that like a local mayor declaring days, weeks or months of emphasis. Because we order our worship by the calendar of the Church Year, it is that calendar which shapes each week’s hymns, readings, preaching, prayer, and liturgical setting.

Most congregations also vote on their budget after the stewardship drive, with the idea that now the leadership knows what people are planning to give for the next year, the budget can be shaped accordingly. And again, that isn’t how we do it, which might seem strange to those who’ve been active in other congregations. Our semi-annual meeting is next Sunday, October 23, between services, and we will vote on our budget, but really on our mission for next year, and we have little idea what people will pledge for next year, at least not yet.

This order can be confusing to some, and seem ill-advised. But I believe we are saying something important by planning our mission first. We are saying, “This is what we believe God is calling us to do in this place next year.” Separate from that, we also will pledge what we will share of the wealth God has entrusted to each of us so that we can accomplish what we have claimed as our mission. They are related, but not a consequence one of the other. We do not give to a budget, we give because we are stewards of God’s wealth and possessions and we have a passion borne from the grace we have received to be faithful stewards. We plan a budget so we can make use of that stewardship faithfully as we work together.

To that end, true stewardship is not just for the late fall. It’s the shape of our lives – how we make use of the wealth God has entrusted, how we make use of the gifts, talents, abilities, and time God has entrusted, and how we seek to faithfully do the mission God places before us every day. True stewardship is year-round, and central to our lives.

With that being said, each year we do need to turn to each other and commit to what we will do together. The act of pledging time and talents and wealth is an act of faith and commitment to each other as the body of Christ in this place. To that end, expect within the week a mailing which will contain a letter, a pledge card, and a time and talents form. The Stewardship Committee hopes to have all pledges into the office by Sunday, Nov. 13, and there will be an Opportunities for Service luncheon on Sunday, Nov. 20 after the second liturgy where we will celebrate the results of the pledging and also offer many opportunities for service of time and talents for the next year.

I invite all members of the congregation to take this time to commit to each other for our mission together, even as we learn the daily and year-round task of being stewards of our God.

- Pastor Crippen

Congregation Meeting

The semi-annual Congregation Meeting of Mount Olive Lutheran Church will be held this Sunday, October 23, at 9:30 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the budget for 2012 and to vote a second time on the constitutional amendment which passed its first hearing at the April semi-annual meeting. A oopy of the amendment and accompanying bylaw is attached. All members of Mount Olive are encouraged to attend.

Manz Tage Events

The following events, held in conjunction with the upcoming Manz Tage conference, are free and open to the public:

 Friday, Oct. 28, 7:30 pm – Hymn Festival
 Saturday, Oct. 29, 9:00 am – Morning Prayer
 Saturday, Oct. 29, 4:30 pm – Evening Prayer, with organ recital by Samuel Backman

2012 Proposed Budget

Copies of the proposed budget for 2012, which will be voted upon at the Congregation Meeting on Oct. 23, are available to pick up at church, in anticipation of the meeting. They were also sent via email last week. Please take some time to look it over so that you can be part of an informed discussion.

National Lutheran Choir Open Rehearsal at Mount Olive

Every Tuesday evening during the Fall, Winter and Spring months you can hear beautiful music rising up the stairwell. Those sounds are created by the National Lutheran Choir directed by David Cherwien.

On Tuesday, November 8, members of the church are invited to attend a special open rehearsal to witness the "NLC experience:" participate in devotions, share some coffee and snacks with choir members and attend a short information session with NLC Board and Mount Olive member, Brenda Bartz. The 90-minute experience starts at 7:30pm.

For more information contact the National Lutheran Choir's office: 612-722-2301.

Book Discussion

For their meeting on November 12, The Book Discussion Group is reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, and for the December 15 meeting they will read German Boy: A Child in War, by Wolfgang W. E. Samuel.

This group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at church. All readers welcome!

Is Our Nation Broke?

On Sunday, November 13, following the late Eucharist the Neighborhood Ministries Committee will sponsor a light lunch and a conversation about the Federal Budget. This discussion will be led Ed Payne, a speaker with Bread for the World.

A balanced budget is important, but should it be balanced on the backs of the poor? Or are there smarter, less painful ways for this to happen?

Join us for this conversation on November 13!

Tutoring Snacks Needed

The snack sign-up chart is up for the Way to Goals Tutoring Program. Volunteer tutors and students meet at Mount Olive every Tuesday evening from October through May. It helps our budget significantly when snacks are donated, and providing snacks is easy to do. Just sign up on the chart located on the Neighborhood Ministries bulletin board downstairs by Donna Neste’s office, and bring a snack and beverage for 20 people on or before the day for which you have signed up. You may leave it in either the upstairs or undercroft kitchen, clearly labeled, and let Donna know where it is being stored.

Questions? Call Donna at church for further information, 612-827.5919.

National Lutheran Choir to Present All Saints Program
“Kyrie: Journey to Light”

Friday, November 4, 2011 - 7:30 pm
St. Bartholomew's Catholic Church
630 Wayzata Boulevard East
Wayzata, MN 55391

Saturday, November 5, 2011 - 7:00 pm
Gustavus Adolphus College - Christ Chapel
800 West College Avenue
Saint Peter, MN 56082

Sunday, November 6, 2011 - 4:00 pm
St. Andrew's Lutheran Church
900 Stillwater Road
Mahtomedi, MN 55115

The All Saints program has become a cherished tradition among the offerings of the National Lutheran Choir. Accompanying this "Journey to Light" will be well known spirituals in settings by Undine Smith Moore, J. Melvin Butler, Paul Caldwell/Sean Ivory and Harry T. Burleigh. The choir will also sing music of Rutter, Tarik O'Regan and Stephen Paulus. Of special note will be Ola Gjeilo's mystical setting of St. John of the Cross' poem, Dark Night of the Soul for String Quartet, Piano and Choir. Also performed will be Paul John Rudoi's setting of Amazing Grace and William Beckstrand's hauntingly beautiful O Happy Tears.

Tickets (at the door): $30/Adult; $25/Senior (62+); $10/Student. Tickets (in advance): $25/Adult; $20/Senior (62+); $15 ea./Group (10 or more); and $10/Student.
For additional information, call the National Lutheran Choir office, 612.722.2301.

Highlights from the October Vestry Meeting

The October 10 Vestry meeting opened with a prayer and meditation lead by President Adam Krueger.

The unfinished business portion of the meeting started with the ratification of the “Guidelines for the Staff Support Committee Members of Mount Olive Lutheran Church”. Discussions about the Capital Campaign Tithe and the Visioning Process were tabled until a later date.

Vestry members voted to approve “Continuing Resolution 2011-1: Vicars at Mount Olive” with the modifications that were made after the October meeting.

There will be a new standing Public Relations (PR) sub-committee to support all of the Vestry and Mount Olive. The PR Committee will focus on complete and consistent communication to the congregation of the events and other items of interest. As a working group, people in the congregation will be sought out to assist with social media and other ways of getting the word out about all that Mount Olive has to offer.

Findings from the 2010 Audit are being used to create an action plan to help address any concerns or issues with the receipt and dispersal of funds as well as to help create more well defined restricted funds.

President Adam Krueger then shared a correspondence from Al Bostelmann who has volunteered to serve as a delegate to the 2012 Minneapolis Synod meeting. This will be acted upon when delegates are appointed after the first of the year.

Discussion took place on the 2011-12 Proposed Budget that will be voted upon at the Congregational Meeting October 23. Each of the Committees has been asked to offer a mission statement to outline their needs and to explain what guided their decisions on the kinds of programming they would like to do in the upcoming year.

Pastor Crippen marked the first anniversary of his starting at Mount Olive on October 11. He continues to be busy with weddings and Bible study as well as preparing for the group from Leipzig.

Cantor Cherwien is continuing his work with the Cantorei and the NLC. The Minneapolis Guitar Quartet served as the first Music and Fine Arts event, and now Manz Tage is next up on the calendar.

Congregational Life is off to a busy start this fall with Carla Manuel and Gail Nielsen planning to attend a food safety training so that she can share any regulations with everyone who uses the kitchen. To help meet one of the rules on holding temperatures for food, we are adding a warming oven to the Wish List.

Diana Hellerman has been extremely pleased with the attendance at the adult forums. In addition to the Bible Study group that is being started, she is also excited at the number of children who have been actively participating in Godly Play.

The Missions Committee is compiling a list of organizations that they plan to work with in the future. There will be a few changes in the organizations who will be receiving funding from Mount Olive.

Eunice Hafemeister reported that Meals on Wheels has been incorporated into CoAM and we are now entitled to two board members with them. Additionally, The Art Shoppe in the Global Market is moving forward and having a Grand Opening on November 5, 2011.

David Molvik is continuing work on the sound system and hopes to have work completed by the end of the year. Winterizing of the church is continuing with the help of several volunteers, which is greatly appreciated.

There will be a flower sale on October 23 in support of the Youth Group. Conversations are continuing to see if there are any youth who are interested in participating in the national youth gathering.

Al Bipes brought up that on Christmas Day, which falls on a Sunday, there will be one service at 10:00 a.m. This will also hold true for New Year’s Day, which falls on the following Sunday. Prior to the Christmas Day service there will be a carry in brunch.

The next Vestry meeting will be November 14 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Nordeen
Vice President

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