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Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Olive Branch, 10/1/14

Accent on Worship

You might have noticed…

     Sometimes there are unspoken practices or gestures that become a part of the liturgy in a community. They are not a part of the rubrics (rubric- from the word for red, meaning the directions in red in the worship book). They are sometimes individual acts of worship, sometimes done by many, or, sometimes, most, of the worshipers. No actions are mandated; if they were in the rubrics, the rubric would probably say "The congregation may…".  Nor do these practices have only one meaning or significance: that meaning may vary from person to person. But it just might be helpful from time to time to hear what thoughts are behind some of these acts of worship.  

•   Sign of the cross (on forehead and chest):  this is a gesture which reminds the observer of their baptism – the same sign made on the  forehead at baptism with the words naming the Holy Trinity:  “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”.  Some worshipers sign a small cross on their forehead, lips, and heart at the announcement of the Gospel to signify the desire to receive it with an open mind, proclaim it with our lips, and cherish it in our heart.

•   Bowing to the cross in procession:  as a reverent acknowledgement of the presence of the Risen Christ.

•   Standing for the final stanza of a hymn: when the last stanza of a hymn includes naming the Trinity -  “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” - or, is a stanza of doxology (praise) naming the Trinity, many will stand, if the congregation is not already standing, as a posture of  reverence and full praise.  The zimbelstern on the organ may sound to indicate this reverence, as well.  The zimbelstern also  usually sounds at the Sanctus ("Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of power and might") of the eucharistic liturgy.

•   Three-stanza hymns without alternation instructions.  Quite often the middle stanza is sung in harmony, as the congregation corporately chooses.  If  I, as the organist, am using a different harmonization and hear harmony being sung,  I try to immediately switch to the harmony being sung by the congregation.
•   Odd-numbered verses in the psalmody, but a double tone.  When a double tone is used (which spans two verses) for singing the verses of the psalm, and there is an odd number of verses, the last lone verse is sung to the last two measures of the tone.

•   At the last line of the opening of the Great Thanksgiving many people sing “It is right to give God thanks and praise” instead of the words in the book “It is right to give our thanks and praise.”  This is a conscious effort on the part of those who sing the first example to keep our language centered on God and not on us.

•   Subtle hospitality.  Some worshipers open their hymnals to the pages of the liturgies even if they know them from memory.  Some people intentionally sit in front of a person who may be unfamiliar with the liturgical practices in this place, in order to alleviate uncertainty as to when to stand or sit or kneel or where the liturgy or hymn is in the worship book.

     This list is just a beginning.  Within the body of Christ's church that worships in this place, there is a variety of gifts, a variety of understandings.  It has to do with which observances actually bring you more deeply into the presence of God and each other.

- Cantor David Cherwien

Sunday Readings

October 5, 2014: 17th Sunday after Pentecost (Lect. 27A)
Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm 80:7-15
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matthew 21:33-46

October 12, 2014: 18th Sunday after Pentecost (Lect. 28A)
Isaiah 25:1-9
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14

Sunday’s Adult Forum: October 5

 "Restorative Justice: An Alternative to Imprison-ment," presented by Amy Levad. Amy teaches moral theology at the University of St. Thomas and is the author of Redeeming A Prison Society: A Liturgical and Sacramental Response To Mass Incarceration and Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination.

2015 Budget Preview

     On Sunday, October 12, following the second liturgy and a welcome celebration for Anna Kingman, the Vestry will host a brief opportunity to preview the 2015 budget. This is a good time to ask questions, get clarifica-tion, and hear the Vestry’s think-ing about 2015 and our work moving forward. Copies of the budget will be available via email from the church office, and hard copies will also be available in the office.

Congregation Meeting

     The semi-annual meeting of the Mount Olive congregation will be held on Sunday, October 19, after second liturgy.  Items for discussion include:
the 2015 budget (needs congregational vote and approval)
updates from the Visioning Committee
a preview of on-going Stewardship work
news from the current Capital Campaign to replenish our designated accounts and cash reserves.

Installation of Anna Kingman October 12

Note the schedule change for the day:

8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
9:30 a.m. Education Hour
10:45 a.m.  Eucharist and Installation
12:00 p.m., after liturgy: refreshments and fellowship with Anna Kingman
12:30 p.m. or so, 2015 Budget Preview Forum

     On Sunday, October 12, we will install our new Coordinator of Neighborhood Outreach and Ministry, Anna Kingman.

     Anna’s been working with us since Sept. 23.  Her hiring is the beginning of a new time in the life of Mount Olive congregation.  She will continue to do many of the things Donna was doing, but in addition her new job description includes a deep involvement in the life and work of this congregation.  We have asked her to join us as a member, which she will do Sunday, Oct. 5.  She will be working with us to help us better understand our mission and ministry in this neighborhood and in our neighborhoods.  She will be dreaming with us and helping us not only to hear God’s call but also helping us to put hands and feet to what we hear.  We’ve asked her among us to help us get to work!

     When the pastor and cantor of this congregation are installed, a special worship schedule is done, and in light of the importance of this new position and what we hope for Anna to do in leadership among us, we will celebrate her installation the same way.  On Sunday, Oct. 12, we’ll have Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m., regular Education Hour at 9:30 a.m., and then Eucharist and Installation at 10:45 a.m.  This way the whole congregation can gather in God’s grace and presence as we commit to our work together with Anna.

     A couple other notable things related to these days: On Oct. 12, there is a time of fellowship and refreshments with Anna after second liturgy, following that, there will be a forum introducing the 2015 budget.  This is in preparation for the October Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congregation, set for Sunday, Oct. 19, after second liturgy (see page 2 for more information).

Lastly, Anna will lead the Adult Forum on Oct. 19, to introduce herself and the ministry she’s beginning with us.

Brain Power Needs Treat Power!

     Please help us in providing our tutoring program kids with some re-fueling treats through-out the school year!

     We are looking for a snack and beverage for each Tuesday after the tutoring program to send kids home smart and happy.

     There are sign-up sheets downstairs by the Community Events bulletin board, or you may contact Anna Kingman, Coordinator of Neighborhood Outreach and Ministry at 612-827-5910, or by email to (Email is the best and fastest way to reach me!)

     We are also in need of more substitute tutors to be on-call for the year. We hope to serve many kids and want each one to get the attention they need.

     Let me know if you are interested.

- Anna Kingman

Support Mount Olive Music & Fine Arts!

     Members of the Music & Fine Arts Committee will be on hand between the liturgies this Sunday, October 5 and next Sunday, October 12, to receive your donations to this year’s series!

First Music & Fine Arts Event of the Season to be Held on October 12

     On Sunday, October 12, at 4:00 pm, Mount Olive Music & Fine Arts is pleased to present a recital by organist Aaron David Miller. He will play works of Bach, Sweelinck, Gigout, and improvisation.  

     Aaron is Music Director and Organist at House of Hope Presbyterian Church in St. Paul. He is known as one of the finest organ improvisers in the country, having won several international awards and given concerts across the nation. The improvisation for this concert will be an on-the-spot creation, using themes gathered from the audience! Don’t miss it!

     A reception will follow.

Book Discussion Group’s Upcoming Reads

     For their meeting on October 11, the Book Discussion group will read The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid. For the meeting on November 8 they will read Flight Behavior, by Barbara Kingsolver.
     The Book Discussion Group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the West Assembly area at church. All readers are welcome!

Transitions Support Group

     All are welcome to drop in and visit the Transitions Support Group to see if this is a place where you might find some solace and reassurance for the challenges or uncertainties that are before you.

This is an opportunity to share in fellowship, prayer and discussion with others in the Mount Olive community.  The next session meets on Wednesday, October 1 (tonight!), at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room (lower level), and will be facilitated by Amy Cotter and Cathy Bosworth.  If you have questions, please contact Cathy at 612-708-1144 or

A Note of Thanks

     I want to thank all of you for your care and support over the last seven months while I worked with you as Interim Coordinator of Neighborhood Ministries. Worshipping with you and working alongside many of you as been a blessing for me in so many ways.

     Thank you for a very meaningful Farewell and Godspeed and a wonderful reception. I look forward to worshipping with you from time to time and know that you will work with the new Coordinator as you move forward with your vision for Mount Olive in this community. I will miss you.

- Connie Toavs

Mount Olive Directory Photos Fall 2014 Schedule

     If you did not get your personal, couple or family photos taken last fall there will be a time to get your photos taken in October and included in the updated directory.

     We invite folks who have been worshiping regularly but are not members at Mount Olive to also have their photo(s) taken to include in the directory so that others can put names and faces together.

     Below are listed the time slots available to have your photos taken. Select the day and approximate time(s) that work best for you and call or email the church office to sign up (612-827-5919/

     You will be contacted the week before the sessions with a specific time for your photo session. Photos will be taken in the lower level of the education building.

Sunday, October 5 - 12:30 to 1:30 PM following the liturgy
Wednesday, October 8 - 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Thursday, October 9 - 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 11 - 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Sunday, October 12 - 12:30 to 1:30 PM following the liturgy

     Once you have signed up for a date and approximate times that work for you, we will combine all of the requests and set up a schedule to take all those requesting that specific day.  If you have further questions please contact Paul Nixdorf (photographer) by phone at 612-296-0055, or by email to

Pastor’s Sabbatical

     Pastor Crippen is working with the Vestry on initial planning for his upcoming sabbatical.  The sabbatical will be from April through June of 2015, beginning on the Monday after Easter.

     At this point there aren’t many details to share, but as more is known, it will be published in The Olive Branch.  The budget being presented by the Vestry for 2015 will reflect the costs of the sabbatical.

Meals for the Manuels to be Continued

     Thanks to all who have generously signed up to bring Friday dinners to the Manuel family.  The calendar to date is filled through to November 7, with the exception of Friday, October 31.  If you can bring dinner on that date (Halloween) or on any Friday from November 14 on, please let Marilyn Gebauer know at or 612-306-8872.

    Julie’s treatment will continue for at least the next several months.  The family is very grateful for the support of prayers and meals during this difficult time.

MOGAL-NOW sponsors a Mid-Century Modern Parade of Homes tour and Potluck Dinner

     This coming Sunday, October 5, at 4:00 pm, MOGAL-NOW invites members of Mount Olive to visit two mid-century modern homes that are listed on the 2014 national tour of MCM homes.

     Lynn Dobson and Tony Thoe have invited us to their home at 278 Stonebridge Blvd., St Paul. Their home, along with the home of Geri and John Bjork, 316 Stonebridge Blvd, is listed as part of the Docomomo national tour the following weekend. We get a preview tour a week early, plus dinner and great conversation.  (Visit  to view the website about the Docomomo tour. Their home is pictured on this site).
We will gather there at 4:00 pm on October 5 to check out the interesting architecture and landscaping at their home, and also walk three homes away to Geri and John Bjork’s home. Around 5:15 pm Lynn and Tony will begin grilling hamburgers and hot dogs and we will set out our potluck items and enjoy a meal together. We will also have a short discussion about upcoming MOGAL-NOW events. The evening will end with ice cream sundaes.

     If you can join us for our Parade of Homes event please RSVP by calling the church office at 612-827-5919, or by dropping an email to When you email please indicate how many will be coming and also what you plan to bring for the potluck dinner that will go with hamburgers and hotdogs. Also plan to bring beverages (adult and otherwise).

     MOGAL-NOW is the new and up to date version of the MOGAL (Mount Olive Gay and Lesbian) group. MOGAL-NOW is inclusive and of course, “straight friendly”. MOGAL-NOW plans to sponsor a series of social, informative and of course fun events throughout the year bringing together the entire Mount Olive community.

Chosen: Bible Study on Thursday Evenings

     Meeting in the Chapel Lounge on Thursday evenings through October 23 (6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.), Pr. Crippen is leading a study titled “Chosen.”  This is an exploration of the biblical witness to Abraham and Sarah and their family, with a focus on what the Bible means by "chosen people,” and how that continues in the present both as our calling and also a challenge in a pluralistic, often violent world.
     As usual, there will be a light supper when we begin.  All are welcome to this study opportunity!

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