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Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Olive Branch, 10/15/14

Accent on Worship

Idols and Traps

     Sunday we witness Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees over paying taxes.  Hoping to trap him either into declaring himself a revolutionary by rejecting Roman taxes, or declar-ing himself against the people by supporting such taxes, they ask if it is lawful to pay Roman tax.  Were Jesus a modern politician, one of his aides would now whisper into his ear “avoid the tax question!”

     “Give to the emperor what belongs to him,” Jesus says, “and to God what is God’s.”  Like-wise, Paul declares the question of human v. divine rule over our lives is always a God question.  He praises the Thessalonians for “turning away from idols to serve a living and true God.”  That is the central question of our lives as well: what belongs to whom?

     We keep our heads straight over whom we serve and how, with our worship life. We gather weekly to worship the Triune God, taking time out of our schedules not for us but for God, and plant anchors in our hearts and minds.  These anchors strengthen each time we worship, reminding us even in a self-centered world with our self-centered minds that we belong not to ourselves but to God.  Our worship keeps us from falling for our trap of thinking there are parts of our lives that have noth-ing to do with God.

     Sunday we will gather once more around the means of God’s grace, Word and Sacrament, as we always do.  We will, as we always do, find we not only are fed by the life and healing love of the risen Christ, we are pulled off ourselves as center of our lives and recentered on the Triune God.  We are, like the Thessalon-ians, moved from idols to serving the living and true God.  No traps.  No idols.  Simply the grace of having our lives drawn into the heart of God’s death-ending love and life, and the joy of seeing that grace transform us and the world.


Sunday Readings

October 19, 2014: 19th Sunday after Pentecost (Lect. 29A)
Isaiah 45:1-7
Psalm 96
I Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22

October 26, 2014: Reformation Sunday
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 46
Romans 3:19-28
John 8:31-36

Sunday’s Adult Forum: October 19

Conversation with the New Coordinator of Neighborhood Outreach and Ministry at Mount Olive, Anna Kingman

Congregation Meeting

     The semi-annual meeting of the Mount Olive congregation will be held this coming Sunday, October 19, after second liturgy.  Items for discussion include:

the 2015 budget (needs congregational vote and approval)
updates from the Visioning Committee
a preview of on-going Stewardship work
news from the current Capital Campaign to replenish our designated accounts and cash reserves.

Transitions Support Group

     All are welcome to drop in and visit the Transitions Support Group to see if this is a place where you might find some solace and reassurance for the challenges or uncertainties that are before you.
     This is an opportunity to share in fellowship, prayer, and discussion with others in the Mount Olive community.    

     Please note the following change in time and location for our next meeting.  The next session meets on Saturday, November 22, 9:00 am at 3120 E. Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis and will be facilitated by Amy Cotter and Cathy Bosworth.  If you have questions, please contact Cathy at 612-708-1144 or

The Great TRUST Auction

     The annual TRUST auction will be held on Saturday, October 25, 2014, beginning at 6:00 pm at Lake Harriet Methodist Church, 4901 Chowen Avenue S. in Minneapolis. This year’s auction features the Metropolitan Boys Choir!

The cost is $20 for adults (in advance or with reservations),
$15 for seniors (65+),  and youth under 10 are free;
$25 at the door. For reservations or additional information, call 612-827-6159, or email

Reserve a table of eight for your group!


     Looking for a job? Whether unemployed, under-employed, misemployed or just thinking about doing something different, please join us for the fall CareerWalk program. Learn new skills, gain new networking contacts, feel refreshed and supported, explore new interests and land jobs. CareerWalk is open to everyone and there is no charge. Come for all sessions or those that are of interest. Find specific session information and register there.

     CareerWalk is held on Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4100 Lyndale Ave. S. in Minneapolis.

Getting to Know You …
     The new members received on October 5 were asked to submit a brief introduction about themselves for publication in The Olive Branch. We will publish these introductions as they are received.

Robin Rayfield
     I was born in Minneapolis, baptized in Door County, Wisconsin, and I grew up a couple of blocks away from Mount Olive. Except for maybe once, I had never set foot inside Mount Olive until I had an email exchange with Pr. Crippen. A fundamentalist preached that the rapture was about to happen, and I emailed the pastor of the church I knew about, asking about it. Pastor Crippen responded, telling me about God’s love, and that I had nothing to fear. I decided to visit Mount Olive and found something wonderful. I’m also now a co-administrator of a Christian group called Christians Tired of Being Misrepresented. We bring hope and healing to people that have been hurt by the actions of many Christians. Currently, I’m a struggling musician, and I play several instruments including guitar, piano, accordion, and Appalachian dulcimer.

Victor Gebauer
     Born in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1938, Victor arrived to the USA in 1942 and grew up in Illinois. A graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, he also spent over thirty years on the faculty of Concordia University, Saint Paul, before finishing his career as executive director of Lutheran Music Program. Victor and his wife, Marilyn, actually were members of Mount Olive in the 1960’s and l970’s. They were married here, began a family, and are now returning to the church where their relationship as family and fellows in faith first began.

Names of the Departed Saints Invited

     As a part of our All Saints liturgy on Nov. 2, members are invited to submit the names of loved ones close to them who have died in the past year, since last All Saints Sunday, who weren’t members of Mount Olive.  (Members of the parish who have died are always named.)  These other names submitted will be included in the prayers of intercession.  There will be an opportunity to write these names this Sunday and in the remaining weeks of October, or simply contact the church office.  Please keep this to just those who have died this past year, so we can have a more manageable list.


     Thanks to Lora Dundek, Patsy Holtmeier, Carla Manuel, Gail Neilsen, Connie Olson, and Sandra Pranschke for  providing treats and coffee for the Congregational Meeting this past Sunday.

     There are lots of empty slots on the coffee sign-up chart, and we invite you to bring cookies or bars for coffee after either liturgy. Please let Carla Manuel know if you can help out in this way. She can be reached at 612-521-3952.

The Roegges Welcome a New Baby Girl!

     While the birth of a child is always a time of joy and celebration, it is also a time of adjusting to new routines - and sometimes getting a meal on the table can be challenging.  If you are so inclined to offer a welcome, dinner might be just the ticket.

     Meals are most definitely welcomed by the Roegge family; thanks to those who have inquired about scheduling a delivery.  There is no pre-determined schedule so it is suggested that contact be made directly with Brooke and Matt at 612-332-2856, to see what works best for them.  When you agree on a date, please call or email Marilyn Gebauer at 612-306-8872 or  so a calendar entry can be made for purposes of future planning.

    The Rogge's are vegetarians but eat fish, eggs, cheese etc. (word has it that  they aren't picky at all!)    Matt and Brooke live in St Paul at 1604 Beechwood Ave.

Meals for the Manuels to be Continued 

     Thanks to all who have generously signed up to bring Friday dinners to the Manuel family.  The calendar to date is filled through to November 7, with the exception of Friday, October 31.  If you can bring dinner on that date (Halloween) or on any Friday from November 14 on, please let Marilyn Gebauer know at or 612-306-8872.

    Julie’s treatment will continue for at least the next several months.  The family is very grateful for the support of prayers and meals during this difficult time.

“Bowing to the Holy”

     Mount Olive is partnering with The Lutheran Church of the Resurrection ,  Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, and Pilgrim Lutheran Churches in St. Paul to present a one day worship conference on Saturday, November 22, at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.

     Information on the conference, “Bowing to the Holy,” is available at church. If you would like a brochure to be mailed to you, just call the church office.

Chosen: Bible Study on Thursday Evenings  
     Meeting in the Chapel Lounge on Thursday evenings through October 23 (6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.), Pr. Crippen is leading a study titled “Chosen.”  This is an exploration of the biblical witness to Abraham and Sarah and their family, with a focus on what the Bible means by "chosen people,” and how that continues in the present both as our calling and also a challenge in a pluralistic, often violent world.  

     As usual, there will be a light supper when we begin.  All are welcome to this study opportunity!

Wedding Invitation

     In gratitude for the community that is Mount Olive, we invite you to join us in celebrating the marriage of our daughter Siri Rebecca Hellerman and John Michael Guari, and for light refreshments in the Chapel Lounge,  following the liturgy.  Saturday, 25 October 2014, 2:00 pm.

- David and Diana Hellerman

Book Discussion Group’s Upcoming Reads

     For their meeting on November 8 the Book Discussion Group will read Flight Behavior, by Barbara Kingsolver, and for their meeting on  December 13, they will read Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.

National Lutheran Choir All Saints Concerts: “The Souls of the Righteous”

     This All Saints weekend, the National Lutheran Choir invites you to honor the saints in your life by gathering to reflect through song and prayer. Prior to our two concerts, guests are encouraged to add the name of a friend or family member that has passed away to the Book of Names (also available online at Candles will be lit in remembrance, and the Book of Names will be read aloud throughout the concerts. Artistic Director, David Cherwien, conducts.

     Musical highlights include:
Funeral Ikos by John Tavener, When David Heard by Thomas Weelkes, O Tod, wie bitter bist du (O Death, how bitter are you) by Max Reger, This is My Father’s World and Stars by Eriks Esenvalds, Angels Hovering Round by Kevin Siegfried, and
The Souls of the Righteous by David Cherwien

When & Where:
Saturday, November 1, 2014 – 7pm
Normandale Lutheran Church (6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN 55436)
Sunday, November 2, 2014 – 4pm
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church (900 Stillwater Rd, Mahtomedi, MN 55115)

Tickets: $25 Adult | $23 Senior | $10 Student | 17 & under – FREE. For additional information or to purchase tickets, visit or call 612-722-2301.

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